Saturday, August 21, 2010

Guardian of the Deep Review

Buildability: 8/10 Has a nice and quick build, but not to short.

Sturdyness: 9/10 Just the teath have trouble.

Play: 8/10 Needs a vechicle to help it with this, the diver doesn't help.

Minifigures: 5/10 1 Minifigure, needs help.

Decorations and Details: 10/10 Awesome!
Overall: 9/10

Seabed Scavenger

Buildability: 8/10 Has a nice and quick build, but not to short.

Sturdyness: 8/10 The lights fall of alot.
Play: 8/10 Needs a seamonster to help it with this, the manta warrior doesn't help.

Minifigures: 6/10 2 Minifigures, pretty neat.

Decorations and Details: 7/10 Nice.

Overall: 8/10